芝浦工業大学 システム理工学部
Department of Bioscience & Engineering

研究室紹介 Laboratory

生命科学コースBioscience Course

分子微生物研究室Molecular Microbiology Laboratory

アズハム ズルカルナイン
Azham Zulkharnain

From tropics to polar regions: Development of bioremediation technologies using microbes


Harmful substances which are contained in domestic wastewater and industrial waste may contribute to water pollution in rivers and oceans. In this laboratory, we focus on the isolation of useful microorganisms from a variety of environments, on working to understand the ability of microorganisms to decompose harmful substances and on the development of new environmental purification technologies.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 微生物による難分解性化合物の分解
    Biodegradation of recalcitrant compounds using isolated bacterial strains
  • 環境中難分解性化合物の検出システムの開発
    Development of detection system for recalcitrant compounds in environment

食品栄養学研究室Food and Nutrition Laboratory

越阪部 奈緒美
Naomi Osakabe

Elucidation of food sensation on the human health and well- being


Foods we consume daily contain components that input sensations such as color, taste and aroma into our central nervous systems. In this laboratory, we are showing that the sensations we receive from foods maintain homeostasis, prevent chronic diseases and delay regressive changes.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 食感覚入力による中枢神経活動の変容とその有用性に関する研究
    Research on changes in central nervous system activity through the input of eating sensations and their usefulness
  • 食感覚による自律神経調整作用の解明
    Elucidation of autonomic nervous regulation by food sensation.

創薬化学研究室Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Medicinal Chemistry

須原 義智
Yoshitomo Suhara

Synthesis of low molecular weight compounds derived from natural products that can be developed as drug candidates

自然界には様々な生理活性をもつ物質が存在しています。当研究室では、それらの化学構 造の一部を変えて活性を増強させた化合物を合成し、未だ治療法の見つかっていない疾 病に対する薬のシーズ(タネ)を創り出すことを目指しています。

There are various biologically active organic compounds in nature. We synthesize useful compounds which have higher biological activities than natural compounds by changing a part of their chemical structure. And our laboratory aims to find seeds of drugs for diseases for which no cure has yet been found.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 神経幹細胞をニューロンへ分化させる作用をもつ低分子化合物の創製
    Discovery and production of low molecular weight compounds that have an effect on the differentiation of neural stem cells into neurons
  • 作用メカニズムの解明に利用するための各種標識リガンドの開発
    Development of various labeled ligands for use in elucidating the mechanisms of the effects

生化学研究室Laboratory of Biochemistry

廣田 佳久
Yoshihisa Hirota

Frontier of Bioscience:Functional analysis of “bioactive lipids”


“Bioactive lipids,” such as fat-soluble vitamins and fatty acids, are all around us. However, their functions are not yet clear. Through a functional analysis of bioactive lipids, we will contribute to the prevention and treatment of various diseases.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 病気などの様々な生命現象に対する生理活性脂質の機能解析
    Functional analysis of bioactive lipids regarding various biological phenomena such as diseases
  • 生理活性脂質を基にした医薬品や機能性食品の開発
    Development of pharmaceuticals and functional foods based on bioactive lipids

分子細胞生物学研究室Molecular Cell Biology Laboratory

福井 浩二
Koji Fukui



研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 老化/アルツハイマー病モデルマウスを用いた認知症のメカニズムの解明
  • ビタミンやミネラルの新たな有効機能の探索
  • 製薬/食品企業との共同研究による新商品開発へ向けた研究

環境科学研究室Laboratory for Environmental Science

布施 博之
Hiroyuki Fuse

Elucidation of life and environment systems and challenge to the facing problems


We will understand the life and environment systems that contain a long history since the emergence of life through clarifying the circulation of materials and related organisms and reactions. We will try to overcome the facing modern problems such as global warming and environmental pollution by applying them.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 地球温暖化関連物質の生成・分解機構の解析
    Analysis of generation and decomposition mechanism of global warming related substances
  • VOCバイオレメディエーション法の開発
    Development of VOC bioremediation methods

分子細胞毒性研究室Molecular and Cellular Toxicology Laboratory

矢嶋 伊知朗
Ichiro Yajima



All life, including humans, lives in an “environment” and cannot escape its influence. Various “environmental factors” in the air, water, ultraviolet rays, and food have a variety of effects on humans and life. Environmental factors are present in the air we breathe, outdoor sunlight (ultraviolet rays), various noises, drinking water, food, and everything. However, only a few have been identified as environmental factors and elucidated to be the cause of disease. To study diseases induced by environmental factors and to elucidate their mechanisms. This is the future of our laboratory.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 紫外線曝露による皮膚疾患発症機構の解明
    Analysis of the mechanism of skin diseases caused by UV exposure.
  • 皮膚乾癬症の発症機構解明
    Analysis of the pathogenic mechanism of cutaneous psoriasis.
  • ヒ素などの毒物誘発性疾患の発症機構解明と、予防治療法の開発
    Elucidation of the pathogenesis of arsenic and other toxin-induced diseases and development of prevention and therapeutic methods.
  • がんの発症機構解明と予防・治療法開発
    Elucidation of the pathogenic mechanism of cancer and development of prevention and therapeutic methods

生命医工学コースBiomedical Engineering Course

生体機械学研究室Biomechanism Laboratory

赤木 亮太
Ryota Akagi

Aiming at understanding human body movements


In order to understand human body movements which are produced by the transmission of force of muscle contraction to tendon, bone and joint, we are working to elucidate the mechanics of human muscles and tendons using an ultrasound apparatus, an MRI apparatus and so on.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 筋メカニクス・生理学(硬さ・疲労・損傷など)に関する研究
    Study of muscle mechanics and physiology (stiffness, fatigue, damage, etc.)
  • 高齢者の筋力回復を目指すトレーニングプログラムの考案
    Development of a training program for muscle strength recovery of older individuals

科学技術教育システム研究室Science and Technology Education System Laboratory

奥田 宏志
Hiroshi Okuda

Challenge to discover and solve global issues


Based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ” Responsible Consumption and Production” and “Quality Education,” we aim to develop human resources development program for nurturing global engineers and scientists with the ability to discover and solve global issues. We will conduct cross-sectoral research and development about waste recycling and global human resources.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 食品製造工程で発生する副産物・廃棄物の再資源化に関する研究
    Research on recycling of by-products and waste generated in the food manufacturing process
  • グローバル理工学人材の育成プログラムの開発
    Development of global human resources development program in science and technology

応用脳科学研究室Applied Brain Science Laboratory

佐藤 大樹
Hiroki Sato

Toward application of brain science to mental health and performance improvement


We use biomedical techniques such as neuroimaging together with psychological methods to understand the workings of the human brain (mind). Based on our knowledge of neuroscience, we aim to develop new technologies to contribute to mental health and performance improvements in various fields, like study and sports.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 近赤外分光法を用いた脳機能イメージング技術の改善と応用
    Improvement and application of brain function imaging technologies using near-infrared spectroscopy
  • ワーキングメモリおよびモチベーションに関する神経生理学的解明
    Neurophysiological understanding of working memory and motivation

生活支援ロボット工学研究室Life Support Robot Laboratory

髙木 基樹
Motoki Takagi

Develop mechatronics devices to assist elderly and handicapped person


We are engaged in research and development of welfare device which uses robotics, mechatronics, and IoT technology to improve and assist the quality of everyday life of elderly and handicapped person.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 視覚障がい者を補助するためのナビゲーションシステムの開発
    Development of an assistive system for visually impaired.
  • 高齢者用見守りロボットの開発
    Development of Robot system for watching Elderly who live alone

細胞制御工学研究室Cell Control Engineering Laboratory

中村 奈緒子
Naoko Nakamura

Induce the regeneration of organs and tissues using biomaterials


We are conducting research directed at material for use in regenerating, repairing, assisting, and substituting the structure and function of living tissues and organs. We focus on research to elucidate cellular response to material both in vivo and in vitro and, using the knowledge we obtain as a base, aim to develop material that can control cellular functions.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 三次元構造を有する細胞外マトリックスを用いた組織再構築に関する研究
    Research on tissue reconstruction using extracellular matrix with 3D structur
  • 生体材料に対する細胞の免疫応答に関する研究
    Research on regulation of cellular immune response using biomaterials

福祉人間工学研究室Welfare and human engineering laboratory

花房 昭彦
Akihiko Hanafusa

We provide welfare equipment that is fitted to individual person and medical device that is appropriate for treatment


Welfare equipment such as wheelchairs, orthotics and prosthetics devices is necessary to be designed to fit with the target person. Also in the medical field, treatment and medical devices appropriate for each individual’s symptoms should be used. Welfare equipment that is fitted to individual persons, and the medical device and surgery support systems that can treat individual symptoms are researched.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 能動上肢装具,短下肢装具,義指,義足,車いすなど福祉機器に関する研究
    Research on welfare equipment such as active upper arm orthosis, ankle foot orthosis, finger prosthesis, lower leg prosthesis and wheelchair.
  • 脳腫瘍手術、カテーテル手術,超音波画像下麻酔穿刺など手術支援システムに関する研究
    Research on surgery support system for brain tumor resection, catheter treatment and anesthesia needle insertion under ultra-sonic image.

ニューロリハビリテーション工学研究室Neuro-Rehabilitation Engineering Laboratory

山本 紳一郎
Shin-ichiroh Yamamoto

Elucidation of human movement control mechanisms andtheir application to medical and welfare equipment


Humans react unconsciously to disturbances during walking and do not easily fall over due to the functioning of elaborate motion control systems which cannot be achieved by machines. However, in elderly people and people with disabilities, these systems do not function as well and it is difficult for them to prevent falls. In this laboratory, we are elucidating human nerve and muscle control systems to contribute to development and assessment of rehabilitation equipment.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • ヒトの運動制御機構に関する研究
    Research for Human Motor Control System
  • 高齢者や障害者のためのニューロリハビリ機器の開発評価
    Development of Rehabilitation Device based on Neurophysiology and Biomechanics

バイオ流体科学研究室Biofluid Science and Engineering Laboratory

渡邉 宣夫
Nobuo Watanabe

Application of Mechanical Engineering technology, physics, and chemistry for Medical development


Our slogan is firstly to elucidate blood circulatory mechanism and in vivo unknown phenomenon by applying Mechanical Engineering and physiochemical technologies, secondly, to propose new medical technologies based on such acquired knowledge. Our method covers manufacturing, device control, biological measurement, signal processing, microscopy, and biochemical methods, etc.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 機械式補助循環が血液に与える影響の解明
    Elucidation of the effects that mechanically-assisted circulation has on blood
  • 微小循環の不思議とその生理的機能の解明
    Elucidation of mysterious microcirculation and its physiological function

人間工学研究室Ergonomics Laboratory

Shahrol Mohamaddan

Towards application of ergonomics for system design and device development


Our research focus on the development and application of ergonomics methodologies to solve engineering problem. We are aiming for better harmony between humans, systems, and environments.

研究トピックスResearch Topics

  • 福祉機器とリハビリテーション機器の開発
    Development of welfare equipment and rehabilitation device
  • ヒューマンファクター、インクルーシブデザインとユーザビリティに関する研究(人に関連する様々な要因に関する研究、誰もが使いやすいデザインに関する研究)
    Research on human factor, inclusive design, and usability