芝浦工業大学 システム理工学部
Department of Bioscience & Engineering


卒業生の声Alumni’s voice


松村 優介さん
Yusuke Matsumura
雪印メグミルク株式会社 製造


I was interested in people’s health and the mechanisms behind it, so I took lectures on these topics. While knowledge of physiology, food and nutrition were required for studies in the laboratory, knowledge of microbiology, public health and organic chemistry are helpful in my current job. I gave a presentation at an academic conference and published a paper regarding the function of food components and their mechanisms.

I had a hard time because I could not obtain good results, however, that experience was valuable and it helps me in my current job. Other than studies, I went overseas for a short-term study exchange program. I also acted as a resident advisor for international student dormitories. I improved my English skill and became familiar with foreign cultures.

上野山 瑞波さん
Mizuha Uenoyama
芝浦工業大学 大学院 理工学研究科 システム理工学専攻

私は4年生から研究室に配属され、老化やそれに伴う病気などに興味を持ちました。現在は、アルツハイマー病(認知症の一種)の研究を行っています。アルツハイマー病は治療の満足度が最も低い疾患の1つとして知られており、世界中で活発に研究が行われています。また、自分の研究結果を国内や海外で開催される学会で発表したり、世界最先端の研究に触れる機会も多くあります。 まだ誰も分かっていない事を世界で初めて発見し、世界に発信する楽しさを一緒に感じて欲しいです。また、gPBLなど海外で勉強する機会も豊富にあり、刺激的な学生生活を過ごせると思います!

I joined the laboratory from my 4th year and was interested in aging and aging-associated diseases. I am conducting research regarding Alzheimer’s disease, a type of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease is known to be one of the diseases with the lowest patient satisfaction regarding treatment, and it is actively studied worldwide. You will have many chances to present your study results at academic conferences in Japan or overseas and to learn about cutting-edge research. I hope we can experience the feeling of enjoyment that comes with discovering and demonstrating unknown facts to the world. You will also have many chances to study overseas through gPBL and make your school life into an exciting one.


安藤 彩花さん
Ayaka Ando
オリンパス株式会社 開発職


I discovered how enjoyable it was to answer unanswered questions through a logical basis at this institute. I engaged in system development for efficient endoscope development. What I learned at this institute regarding 3DCAD modeling, analysis and programing helps me in my current job. I deeply feel that the most important thing for working as a member of society is “always think from the user’s perspective when developing something.” Based on the theoretical thinking I learned in this institute, I hope to gain various experiences as a member of society in order to develop products and services from the user’s perspective. I wish everyone who is taking the entrance exam to set high goals and work hard towards their dreams.

板橋 卓也さん
Takuya Itabashi


I belonged to a sports club at the institute , and practiced 4 times a week to enter the top league. Working seriously to improve the team with people who have different ideas was a necessary and important experience not just for the sport club, but also for my job. In my current job as a service engineer, it is important to suggest a maintenance plan for stable operation and give devices additional value based on feedback from customers, not just replace consumable parts of devices. Unlike research work, service work requires communication with customers as well as knowledge of electrical circuits, mechanisms and networks. I feel that I can utilize many experiences from my school life for my current job.